Celebrate your Southside performer or advertise your business!
- Full Page (5" w x 8” h) business advertising and/or student photo $150
- Half Page (5”w x 3.75" h) business advertising and/or student photo $100
- Quarter page (3.75" w x 2.25" h) business card size ad or student photo $50
- Bravo! Shout-Out text listing, no image - 25 word max $15
STEP 1: Please select your advertising package.
STEP 2: E-mail page designs (high resolution PDF), images and text
to support@southsidefoundation.org
STEP 3: Payment. Pay online only at www.southsidefoundation.org. You will receive confirmation of your ad when payment and images/text have been received.
***The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, February 11th***
Questions? Email: support@southsidefoundation.org
Advertise in "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" Playbill